Rama Navami April 21, 2021
Schedule 5:00am: Mangala Arati 5:45am: Japa 7:00am: Brushing the Cows 7:30am: Deity Greeting, Guru Puja 8:00am: The Glories of Lord Rama by Gopal Hari Prabhu 9:30am Breakfast prasadam 4.00pm: Rama Bhajans 5:00pm: Abhisheka 6.00pm: The Lilas of Lord Rama 7:00pm: Gaura Arati 7:45pm: Prasadam Feast
Please bring your offerings by 5pm to the Pujari room with disposable containers. The offerings go on the altar so please no dishes/utensils from home.
Srimad Bhagavatam Class Schedule Daily at 8:00am

Th 15th: Banabhatta Das, 2.5. 30 Fr 16th: Jaya Krsna Das, CC Adi 10.130 Sat 17th: Gopal Hari Das Sun 18th: Rambhoru Dasi, 9.10.8-10 Mo 19th: Devananda Pandit Das 2.5.31-32 Tu 20th: His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada Wed 21st: Gopal Hari Das

First Sunday of every month at 5 p.m. at the Wellness Center.
Kindly do not park your car alongside the entire length of the devotee kitchen. Pujaris, kindly do not enter the pujari room through the kitchen.
Please welcome our new apartment manager and groundskeeper Pranata Karuna das.

Please direct your enquiries to him at apartments@newvrindaban.com
Govinda’s Express is now open! We are trying out different menu items so we appreciate your patience and encouragement. Look out for burgers, grilled sandwiches, pizza, soft tacos, ramen bowls, savories, dessert, lemon/tamarind rice, and mac n cheese! Look carefully and you might find BBQ jackfruit, chaat, and other goodies! Dine out and eat in:) Govinda’s Restaurant for now is buffet only.
Sankirtan fever has afflicted many devotees! They are freely handing out the vaccine of divine wisdom! Contact Tulsi Manjari devi dasi if you are able to manage the book table on the weekends. tulsimanjaridd@gmail.com This week the sankirtan team, distributed 48 Bhagavad-gitas and 75 other books
Please give Nama Cintamani Devi Dasi from Gita Nagari. Bhakta AJ and Dharmaraj Das a warm welcome to New Vrindaban.
Yoga Mon 5:30pm Osea/Sarah Wed 5:30pm Osea/Sarah Thu 5:30pm Nikunja Vilasini Sat 6:15am Nikunja Vilasini/Anuradha Sun 6:15am Nikunja Vilasini

New Devotee Care department
We are happy to announce the official opening and availability of the new Devotee Care department in New Vrindaban! It will be guided/directed under the auspices of the Village Council, who has employed 2 devotee caregivers. With your support and Krishna’s mercy, it will be a great success.
Lilasuka Dasi and Bhaktin Beverly Nava have been given the opportunity to serve in the Devotee Care department with Jamuna Dasi serving as an advisor. This team will be overseeing the daily operations, developing resources and protocol to assist residents devotees and building teams of outreach volunteers to serve the community.
The Devotee Care department is located in the Wellness Center (Village Center) and Lilasuka has begun her service. She can be reached at (304 845 9838). Hours will be posted soon. Beverly is assisting remotely and will begin working on-site when she and her family moves back in June.
The goal is to be accessible to local devotees and to create a network of services and assistance. The Devotee Care department will take time to develop and we appreciate your patience, participation and optimism.
Happy to serve! Your servants,
Gaurasakti Das
Nityodita Das
Kamalavati Dasi
Salagram Dasi
