Mother’s Day at New Vrindaban is always a special event. This year we honored our mothers by holding a special Mother’s Retreat. Participants booked ahead for the weekend event.
The retreat was packed with a variety of activities. There were special yoga classes as well as Vaishnavi sanga discussions. One of the topics discussed was loss. Participants all reflected on a loss they had experienced, noted it down, and then passed it to an anonymous person with the idea that they would hold the loss. This activity created feelings of empathy and mutual support among all the Vaishnavis present.

Another topic was milestones. Usually, we celebrate major milestones in our lives like graduations and marriages. But this past year, the covid pandemic has taught us to celebrate small milestones, and together we reflected on and shared our appreciations for those little achievements in our lives that make all the difference.
There was a wonderful cooking class with Mother Guna Manjari where ladies learned the art of making rasagullas for Krishna. And Jaya Krsna das led a lovely trip to Old Vrindaban where we remembered Srila Prabhupada and the early days of New Vrindaban.

We shared many soulful bhajans and kirtans together and enjoyed a sumptuous Mother's Day early lunch on Sunday that was prepared and served by the male folk of the retreat.
We’d like to extend our deep gratitude and appreciation for all the mothers in our community who enrich our lives in countless ways, warming our hearts with their boundless love, compassion, and joy. Hare Krishna!

Lila Sukha and Jesse singing

In the Yogashalla