19 June (11am) - 20 June (9pm)
We are pleased and excited to announce that in just a couple of weeks, we will be introducing a rebranded, reformatted, 24 PLUS Hours Kirtan. The 24 PLUS idea is in response to Covid-19 and the loss of personal association we have all been suffering. For over a year, we have been forced to resort to all kinds of online platforms like Zoom and Facebook LIVE to be together. On the one hand, these have been our saving graces, but on the other hand, they have been miserably impersonal, nothing like real, live, face-to-face interactions.
Although the pandemic is still going on, most people either have been vaccinated or have gotten Covid and recovered. Therefore, the governor of West Virginia is about to lift all pandemic restrictions including the mask mandate. This will happen on the special occasion of West Virginia’s birthday on June 20th. However, since places of worship are exceptions to some of the pandemic rules, we are taking the liberty to lift the mask mandate in New Vrindaban on June 19th, just in time for our 24 PLUS Hours Kirtan event! Of course, those who are not vaccinated are advised to take precautions such as wearing masks and keeping a distance for their own safety, but we will not be policing that.
So, yes, it will be like the good old days before the pandemic, and we are expecting a huge turnout. Since the temple room will not be able to accommodate everyone, we will have speakers and large screens outside, through which the whole event will be televised. You will be able to sit in the grassy areas between the temple and the restaurant, relax in the fresh air, and enjoy the kirtan.
The kirtan will begin at 11:00am on Saturday and finish at 9:00pm on Sunday. We request people to arrive on Friday night and leave on Monday morning to ensure the best possible experience. Please make your bookings accordingly. We will also have an Adivas ceremony at Srila Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold on Friday night, where groups of devotees will gather together for an amazing kick-off kirtan event.
Throughout the weekend, we will be serving breakfast, lunch, and a light late dinner for all, and we encourage you to also enjoy the sumptuous buffet, tasty fun-foods, and freshly made juices at Govinda’s restaurant—and of course our prasadam bubble teas!
There is no registration fee for the event. We are not asking for a single cent other than for accommodations. But we hope that all of you will support Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Chandra by offering a donation according to your means. If you donate more than $100, you will get a free original design festival T-shirt. Please be as generous as you can by giving $500, $1000, $5000 or more to help us cover the costs of the festival.
Free admission

Onsite accommodations will fill up quickly, so please book immediately. If necessary, there are hotels nearby which generally offer a discount to visitors who are coming for the 24 PLUS Hours Kirtan event. If you will be staying at one of these hotels, please plan to come first thing in the morning to New Vrindaban and stay all day. Krishna willing, we will be providing places for you to rest, take a shower, etc, while you are here so you don’t need to go back to your hotel rooms unless you want to.
We are also opening up our sacred grounds to camping—however we require that each of you register with the Palace Lodge Welcome Center and pay the nominal fee of $50 per person to cover the cost of camping lodging and prasadam. You may send an email to palacelodge@newvrindaban.com to book your camping spot.
We want to do everything we can to help you make the most of the 24 PLUS Hours Kirtan. The challenge is for you to be in the kirtan, actively participating by chanting, for a total of 24 hours. The kirtan will be going on for much more than 24 hours, so you can take breaks, get a good night sleep, and still get in your 24 hours if you plan accordingly. Somehow or other, dedicate 24 hours of your time to singing in kirtan over the weekend. That is what this festival is for, and that is what we are asking you to offer to Krishna – for the pleasure of the Lord and for the benefit of the whole world, to finally overcome this pandemic.
After all, what is this pandemic? Nothing happens without the sanction of Krishna. The Bible confirms that not a blade of grass moves without the sanction of the Lord. Out of Krishna’s 64 transcendental qualities, the 19th quality is that He expertly arranges everything according to the particular time, place, and circumstances.
So, Covid-19 happened, not by chance, but for a definite purpose. Krishna wants us to learn something through all this. This should be a topic for introspection: What is the lesson for me? What is Krishna trying to remove from my heart? Do I focus too much on mundane pursuits, or do I give balanced attention to spiritual life? Have I been holding a grudge against someone, or have I found it within my heart to forgive? Am I the kind of person who books a room for two people and then squeezes eight or nine into it, or am I always honest and fair? Do I take more than I give, or do I try to give more than I take?
These are some of the kinds of questions we can ask ourselves as we come out of the pandemic and as we go into the 24 PLUS Hours Kirtan. Let’s try to identify those red flags in our own characters and call out to Krishna in kirtan and ask Him to remove them so that we can serve Him and all living beings with a pure heart full of true compassion and love. Everything that happens in our lives is actually meant to bring us to this goal of pure selfless devotional love for Krishna and all living beings, who are parts and parcels of Krishna. Let us take full advantage of this opportunity. Let us all take the 24 PLUS Hours Kirtan challenge and make the world a better place, one mantra at a time. Hare Krishna!
Book your accommodations now here:
If you do not find what you want, send an email to lodgemanager@newvrindaban.com to register and pay for camping facilities.
Or, as soon as bookings close, we will send you names of hotels to book into with 24 PLUS Hours Kirtan Discount.
See you soon—in the association of Nama Prabhu!

- Fri, Apr 04
- Wed, Apr 30
- Wed, May 14
- Sat, Jun 21
- Mon, Jul 14